Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd provides its platform to you, as a Client, subject to the following terms and conditions.

Now it is agreed as follows:


How we use certain terms and phrases is defined in the Appendix to this Agreement and those rules will be used throughout this Agreement, unless they don't fit the context they are used in.


In this Agreement the following terms will have the following meanings:

"Agreement" means the agreement formed between you and us when accepting an Assignment and this Agreement incorporates these Terms and Conditions and the matters referred ; " this Agreement" means Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd agreement. "Assignment" means an individual assignment providing care to a Consumer; "Consumer" means a Client to whom Services are to be provided and, where the context admits, the individual engaging the Services on behalf of the Client; "Confidential Information" means our secrets or confidential information or those of the Consumer and extends to all knowledge and information relating to our business, organisation, finances and affairs and including (but not by way of limitation) all and any data received or accessed by you; "Concerned authority" means the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Private Limited; "Company" means the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Private Limited;. "Contract" means the agreement under which you undertake the Assignment; "Fee" is the amount paid by a Client or Consumer to us for the Services you provide; "Services'' means all or any of the following: Consumercare: cleaning and administration support; personal care, assistance with washing, administration of medicines and such other duties as are outlined in the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement; and "Terms and Conditions'' means the terms and conditions contained in this document.


This Agreement starts on the Commencement Date and will remain in force for the period of one month and, thereafter, will continue until it is terminated under the provisions.


  1. These Terms will become binding on you and us, and the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement will come into existence when you explicitly request that we begin to supply the Services to you, we begin to provide the Services to you when you make necessary instructions.
  2. You must sign and return the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement immediately after choosing the services. We will not be obliged to start the Services until you have signed and returned to us the agreement.
  3. The description of your Services is found in your Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement. Please check that the details in the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement are complete and accurate. If you think that there is a mistake or require any changes, please contact us to discuss, it must be in writing. We will confirm any changes to your Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement in writing to avoid any confusion between you and us.
  4. We will review your Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement from time to time, and if we reasonably believe that your needs or requirements have increased or reduced, we will discuss with you whether the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement needs to be changed and how this may impact your fees.
  5. The Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement will come to an automatic end in the event of your death and we will charge for those Services which were due to be delivered up to three days after your death.
  6. In case of any disputes regarding the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement the same shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of the court at the city where the facility of the service provider is situated.
  7. The Agreement shall be signed either by the person in whose name the service has been made or by his/her near relatives. The Agreement once signed and registered shall not be taken back or withdrawn under any circumstances.
  8. The Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement also reserves the right to cancel or suspend the service without incurring any liability for any loss or damage which may arise to the customer.
  9. The Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace, in part or full, any of these User Terms, or change, suspend, block, discontinue or restrict your use to all or any feature of the Service or Application at any time.


  1. We will provide the Services to you with reasonable care and skill and in accordance with the dates set out in the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement.
  2. If no end date is set out in your Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement Plan, the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement will continue until it is terminated in accordance with these Terms.
  3. If you ask the Companion to leave early, you will still be charged for the whole of the planned visit up to maximum. If this happens, we will discuss with you whether the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement Plan needs to be changed to better reflect your needs and requirements and how this will impact your fees.
  4. Whilst our Companions will use all reasonable efforts to deliver the Services in accordance with the details in your Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement, we will give you as much notice as possible if we need to change the time or duration of the Companions for any reason.
  5. Due to the nature of the Services, we will provide the services only in the Hospital. As a Companion of the Consumer. No Services shall be rendered to your home or other property to perform the Services as arranged.
  6. Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd helps to experience a highly qualified service and an easy solution for care providers at fair cost. Hair care service start from home to hospital and back to home once we get the request from family member or a Consumer itself, We reaches the home of the Consumer based on the location from which request is received and pick up the Consumer utilising our premium cab service, taking the Consumer to the designated hospital and accompany him throughout the consultation and if necessary we assist the Consumer in nutrition and medical intake also attend them according to the the doctor's instructions. We make sure that a periodical update of Consumer status is sent to the virtual Companion which can be his or her family member or a friend.
  7. Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd's activities including picking up Consumer from and back to home, collects op tickets, consult doctor, collect relevant reports, search medicines from pharmacy and provide to them according to the time advised by the doctor, arrange needed food nutrition and assisting in food intake if needed, by stand for scanning, informs the virtual bystander according to the situation or convenience, accompany for daily routine for bedridden Consumers, dressing change according to doctors advice assisting in ambulation the Consumer according to the doctors advice assisting in daily physiotherapy exercises, assisting or accompanying the Consumer for subsequent follow up or OPD visits, accompany for vaccination immunisation. We encourage our Companions to take their daily foods while at work when the Consumers are in stable health conditions.
  8. Service may be provided to foreign Consumers in accordance with the existing laws and regulations of the country.


We won't keep patience wallets, ornaments, money or any other personal belongings, Companions won't be paying from his pocket for any investigation, food, medicines, transport or for any other kind of activities.

3. Companion

  1. We will ensure we have appropriately vetted your Companion before the Services begin.
  2. You must treat the Companion with respect and dignity. Any failure to do so will be a significant breach by you of the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement and allow us to terminate in accordance.
  3. If you ask the Companion to use your telephone or internet connection or agree to such use, or the Companion must use them in an emergency, we will not be responsible for any costs incurred.
  4. The Companion is not permitted to use your equipment (unless you have agreed in advance); smoke, take prohibited drugs or drink alcohol while on duty, accept any gift with a valueyou, or to borrow money from you.
  5. If you wish to employ the Companion directly (after the same Companion has been provided by the Ayyacare) rather than through Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd platform. if you intend to introduce them to another agency or employer, It will be a violation of the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement, you are liable to pay the damage.
  6. Our Companions must receive proper rest between providing the Services. You must allow the Companion to take in intervals ( it's not applicable in the cases of Emergency situations and towards the critical Consumer).Standard work time of the Companions upto eight hours.
  7. The Companion will keep a record of the tasks they perform during the day to day.
  8. We often find that friends and family are willing to assist during these break periods. Please note your fees do not include the cost of providing another Companion to deliver the Services to you whilst your primary Companion is taking their break. If you request Services During the Companion's break(s), or we reasonably believe that you require a second Companion to deliver the Services during any break period, you will be required to arrange additional support. Whilst we may assist you to arrange suitable cover, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide another Companion. We will discuss this with you in advance and charge the normal hourly rate for any additional Companion in attendance. ( it's not applicable in the cases of Emergency situation and towards the critical Consumer).
  9. We will be in contact with you to discuss arrangements for ensuring the Companion has the required rest and carry out a reassessment of the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement as soon as possible.
  10. Companion should not leave the hospital premises behind a Consumer without the permission from the administrator's and virtual bystander Companion should only leave the Consumer in case of collecting reports medicines only after informing the concerned sister incharge and updating the status on Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd app.
  11. We reserve the right to arrange a second Companion to attend your Services if it is assessed that our primary Companion cannot do their work safely. The costs of any second Companion will be for your account with the associated costs being agreed with you.


  1. It is the duty of Consumers or family members to provide the Consumer's Compliance refers to, whether the Consumer is conscious,Consumer responding properly to verbal comments, age of Consumers, details regarding whether the Consumers have any act of emergency, use of any medical devices, use of medical drugs or therapy sessions.
  2. You must not rely on your Companion or other members of our staff to perform medical services, even in an emergency. Your Companion and other members of our staff are able to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) only under the direct guidance of the emergency services provided that the member of staff feels comfortable and confident to do so.( Only in cases there is no medical staff is present).


  1. We will review our fee rates from time to time and at least once a year in April. We may also review our fees in response to any unexpected change in the law which was not anticipated at the time of our annual review.
  2. The fees and payment of the services provided is purely based on the dynamic pricing ( varying price in accordance with changes in the service qualities,such as peak time services, location of the Consumers, Grade chart of the Companions, Transport charges and other miscellaneous charges.
  3. The charge for your Services is calculated based on the rates as set out in our Price List. Please note the following incur additional or increased charges:
  4. Where the Companion delivers the Services for longer than originally planned (on behalf of your request or in the event of an emergency), we will charge the additional time at the standard hourly rate, calculated in accordance with the PriceList.


  1. For Services due to be delivered instantly. We will invoice you in advance and the sum must be paid before we can begin the Services. These advance fees are not refundable if you cancel this Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement.
  2. You can choose to pay by any payment methods, like NetBanking payment, UPI payment, Bank Card. (other than Direct Debit).
  3. Service may be provided to foreign Consumers in accordance with the existing laws and regulations of the country and charges for the services provided by Companion to the foreigners in accordance with the separate price list.
  4. If you do not pay our invoice within the specified time period, we may:
    1. notify you of the sums outstanding and confirm that payment is due through our notice or the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement will be terminated. This notice incurs an administration fee sum of ₹2000/
    2. Suspend the Services until outstanding sum is paid, terminate the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement on immediate notice. take legal action to recover the fees.
  5. Payment for the Services provided is the complete responsibility by the Consumers or family members.


We will compensate you for loss or damage you may suffer if we fail to carry out duties imposed by us on law, but not where that failure is attributable to:

  1. your own fault;
  2. a third party unconnected with the provision of Services under this contract;
  3. we will not be vicariously liable for any deliberate act or omission by the Companion; or
  4. an event which we would not have foreseen or prevented even if we had taken all reasonable care.

We accept no liability for any losses, costs, damages, claims or expenses in relation to your personal property.


  1. To exercise that right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement by a clear statement, such as a letter sent by post, phone, or email. Alternatively, you may tell your Companion directly of your wish to cancel, and once they have informed us we will cancel the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement.
  2. In all circumstances, we will provide you with a final invoice detailing any refund that is due to you or, if no refund is due to you, the costs which remain payable.
  3. In all circumstances, we will not charge you for any scheduled Services which are not delivered to you (due to your cancellation), where we are able to reallocate the Companion to another Customer.


  1. We may suspend the Services if you fail to pay our invoice in full within the specified time limit.
  2. We may cancel the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement (for any reason) by providing you a notice in writing.
  3. You do not return a Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement mandate to us within the specified time limit.
  4. We reasonably believe there is a significant risk of harm to the Companion.
  5. you have failed to settle any outstanding invoice within the specified time limit.


  1. This applies to any act or event beyond our reasonable control. If an event outside our control affects our provision of the Services:
    1. We will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you;
    2. Our provision of the Services will be suspended for the duration of the event outside our control. We will restart the Services as soon as reasonably possible after the event outside our control is over.
  2. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under the Agreement that is caused by an event outside our control. We will ensure that the Companion's are provided as close as reasonably possible to the times agreed between us from time to time. In some cases, the Companion may attend at other times due to circumstances beyond their control such as transport problems or the need to respond to emergency situations with other customers or any Emergency situation arises to the Companion himself.


  1. We will need certain information from you to provide the Services. If you do not, after being asked by us, provide us with this information, or you provide us with incomplete or incorrect information, we may not be able to provide the Services to you. In such circumstances, we may suspend the Services or terminate the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltdare Agreement.
  2. We will hold information about your contact details, health, and physical or mental wellbeing in accordance with the law.
  3. We will never sell your personal data.
  4. We will respect your privacy and confidentiality and will only use your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy.
  5. You agree that we may disclose personal data (including sensitive personal data) about the Companion to you and that such information is strictly confidential. You also agree that you will not share, either directly or indirectly, such information to any other person, company or firm for any reason unless such disclosure is required by law.

12. CHANGES TO THE TERMS AND Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd AGREEMENT

  1. We may revise these Terms from time to time. We will inform you of any changes to these Terms or unless the change is required immediately to ensure your safety or to comply with the law. If you do not agree to the proposed change, you can cancel the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement.
  2. Where you or we reasonably believe that the Services need to change to meet your needs or requirements, we will agree to any changes to the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement in writing. This includes any change to the type of Services, when and how they are delivered as well as change to the price. If we are not able to reach agreement on changes to the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement, either you or we may cancel this Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement.


  1. You must ensure that the Companion is in a safe environment and free from any hazards or illness which may put the Companion at risk.
  2. We cannot give you advice on personal finances and you are responsible for arranging any financial support from the concerned Authority.
  3. We may transfer our rights and obligations under the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement to another organisation, and we will always notify you in writing if this happens. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under the Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd Agreement without our prior written consent.
  4. Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operate separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
  5. We may provide services through an online platform, with full efficiency and transparency, but in some cases unforseen activities may happen. as like network issues, technical issues, server issues, spam issues, cyber attacks..etc. Karepa Technologies Pvt Ltd is not liable for Loss or Damages due to the same.


Terms and Conditions may contain typographical, grammatical errors and mistakes may not be calculated to court proceedings with their error meaning. terms and conditions may change in accordance with variation or changes of existing laws or new laws. The titles to the paragraphs of this Agreement are solely for the convenience of the parties and shall not be used to explain, modify, simplify, or aid in the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement.